🧑‍🤝‍🧑New Community Signup

Add @ATMRaidBot, give it the required permissions, use /signup, and follow the prompts.

Bot Installation

If you have not already added @ATMRaidBot to your group with the required permissions, please refer to the bot installation guide.

📺 Video Walkthrough Coming Soon!

First-Time Community Signup

Any admin can use the /signup command and provide some basic information about your community.

Once complete, send any amount of tokens to Bonk of America's Rewards Vault (bonkfa_vault.sol).

Rewards Vault

This is the wallet to which your community's tokens should be sent. 100% of deposited tokens fund your community's rewards; there is no "small cut" or anything of that kind.

To replenish your community's rewards balance at any time, anyone with tokens to spare can simply send more to the Vault address. Our system automatically links your deposited tokens to the correct Telegram group.

Vault Addresses

Solana Vault


Base Vault

BONKFA-VAULT.ETH : 0x4D7ed67dCE197d1a84e358c384fC2c8991301676

Last updated