🔧Installation & Setup

Add raid-to-earn (R2E) to your community with ease.

Add @ATMRaidBot to your group and sign up your community.

How to Install ATM Raid Bot

1️⃣ Search for @ATMRaidBot in Telegram, and go to its profile and click 'Add to Group'.

Search for @ATMRaidBot and click 'Add to Group'.

2️⃣ Select your community's main group (or dedicated raiding group, if applicable)

Add @ATMRaidBot to the group in which you'll be raiding.

3️⃣ Promote @ATMRaidBot to admin with these permissions:

Required permissions for @ATMRaidBot.

Green - Required permissions.

Yellow - Required permissions for multi-channel groups.

4️⃣ New Community Signup

Now that the bot has the proper permissions, any admin can use /signup and follow the instructions to finish linking your community and token to ATM.

Read more here about /signup.

5️⃣ Adding Tokens to Rewards Vault

After community signup is complete, any quantity of tokens can be sent to the official Rewards Vault to fund your raid rewards. It can be refilled at any time simply by sending additional tokens.

Read more here about funding the Rewards Vault.

Last updated