Frequently asked questions about new group signup, user registration, raid payouts, and more.

FAQ is under construction.

Setup / Installation:

  • "Why did /signup stop after I gave it our website?"

    • You probably made a test group and associated your token with it. Please message the ATM Raid Bot Support Telegram channel, and we will make the required change.

  • "Do I need to be the group owner?"

    • No. As of June 7, 2023, any administrator can add and configure the bot. However, the user who uses /signup will be considered the ATM Admin' and responsible for authorizing reward payouts and adding additional authorized rewarders.

Raid Rewards:

  • "Why didn't I get paid?"

    • Raiders must hold at least some of the token for which they're raiding. No BONKFA but you're raiding for Bonk of America? You will not be displayed on the leaderboard nor rewarded any tokens.

  • "Why did I get a score of 1?"

    • Out of the box, the ATM's AI punishes raiders for either not mentioning the token/using the cashtag or perceived blatant copy-pasting from ChatGPT. If you add more organic content, receiving a score of 1 becomes far less likely.


  • "Where can I buy BONKFA?"

Last updated